Squatting clock
video of the mechanism creation process. SQUATTING CLOCK Eindhoven 2022 In collaboration with Gijs Motzelt, we brought a clock to life. Every hour, it stretches its legs by performing a squat. Discover her gym routine and how we elaborated the mechanism.
Beyond consumption
a zine tracing the stages of production and consumption, explaining the living conditions of a laying hen Beyond consumption Exhibited during the Dutch Design Week 2024 thanks to the BioArt Laboratories Beyond consumption is an invitation to step into the shoes of a laying hen to understand the stages of production and their implications. The …
Making a wind turbine
This is a booklet designed to explain how the wind turbine made to powers my website works.
Glass lamp
GLASS LAMP PRODUCT DESIGN Eindhoven 2023 work in progress Assignment for the Design Academy Eindhoven.
Bien Hoa stool
BIEN HOA STOOL Eindhoven – 2023 Inspired from my father’s hometown, I condense my Vietnamese cultural heritage and reinterpret traditional Asian architecture. The Bien Hoa stool subtly intertwines lines, showcasing the natural beauty of wood.
L’OXYMORE Eindhoven – 2023 Inspired by medieval France, the Oxymore is a playful shelf that navigates the contrast between danger and the necessity of approaching it for use.
Memory of a chair
There was at my great grandparents a homemade chair that stood the test of time until it ended up forgotten in the attic because it was too old. Like a ghost this chair has always been present in our family. The fragile memory of the object has been lost over the years. This memory stolen …